This is a description of a serial grinner. This person does not realize (or pretends not to realize) the impact that his grin has on others. Let's call him J. First let me describe J's physical self. He's bloody tall (6'3" so that's one mark against him as I am completely envious of tall people), dark and unfortunately handsome (not necessarily a compliment). Next, I shall move on to his character. He is a religious Christian (talk to him no more than 2 minutes will give a clear picture) and nerdy which relates back to the physical description as he wears glasses. He's also nerdy in character (not necessarily a negative statement). He spouts information that is usually deemed useless for everyday life (J will obviously disagree with this statement). He teaches biology (see the subject matter - nerd). He keeps two separate blogs (one blog only a selected few can view - I am not included in the selected few - the other blog is a bio blog - NERD). Why would I put him in my blog entry? I shall answer this as clearly as I can...he is an entertainment source for me. How so? Well in the education industry, there are not many male species (the existing ones are usually married or gay - no joke). So when J entered, he became the center of attention. He was constantly mobbed by women (married or single - myself and a few friends are not part of this group). So what do I mean by being mobbed? Well they vie for his attention by smiling, flirting, giggling, hair flicking and so on. But I guess it's a good thing that he's not the 'buaya' type coz that would have made him annoying. Instead he keeps his cool and try to be as neutral as he can (which is difficult to do with the constant teasing). But that doesn't make him less entertaining. So thank you J, for making life slightly more interesting that the usual boring stuff here.
For my darling students (especially Nicky boy and Ali - who I know will be reading this), don't take this entry and twists it to your own weird understanding. Read it as it is!
The Gaza Mission Parrt Deux : Preamble
3 months ago
interesting..very interesting..'s ok...I'll keep my thoughts to myself...for a while...
*brain starts working overtime*
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