Weight loss...an issue close to my heart or maybe I should say closer to my thighs, ass, flabby arms and the list goes on...Pilates (pulateez - pronunciation not at all according to the spelling...matsalehs go figure), Yoga, The South Beach Diet, The Atkins, The Zone, Weight Watchers, and the more extreme makeover Liposuction (scary procedure - imagine a long tube scrapping your insides and sucking out yellow pink fatty stuff) are some examples of modern weight loss programs/procedures. What did we have in the 80's - the ever present Jane Fonda's aerobic video then later on it was Cindy Crawford (I spent the whole time admiring her perfect body - zero movement). I have always wanted to lose weight (friends would hurl projectiles if they read this as I have said it a gazillion times). But I really do - Reason (1) in a fantasy world the 'ONE' would love all of you including the extra baggage - reality = bullshit because no matter what anyone says, looks or in this case body shape comes first...I will be 29 in the year 2005 so I need to get hitch soon (the hitch thing will be further dealt with in another blog). Reason (2) health scare...the lifestyle of today's population is different...fast food is a major source of unhealthy fat intake thus leading to heart problem, cholesterol and so on...so I really don't want to keel over at a tender age. Reason (3) clothes...gosh there are so many cool stuff out there but it never goes beyond the L size (which is actually still way too small) so I have to resort to the Ms. Read section, Total Woman or the Big Brown Bag...what joy! NOT! So these are the reasons why. Some might ask why not a gym..been there done that...spent RM2000 for membership but I only went there like 10 times...what did I do - sauna and jacuzzi and maybe about 5 minutes on the bike or some other thingamajig...so forget that. How bout diet pills...been there done that too. I think I know the solution - a mental change first...I need to set my mind on what I want then the body will follow next...but to get over the mental block of laziness is the biggest hurdle I have not yet been able to do...sigh...same ole' same ole'. -wish for a magick fat wand- abracadabra and puff there goes the fat-
The Gaza Mission Parrt Deux : Preamble
3 months ago
Ohh.. di sini hang rupanya.. haks..
well , regarding the ceramah i gave dont really think it was good. i did not feel good about it. hehehehe need to practicwe my ceramah skills next time.
hey.. why so dark lor your blog !! haks..
you should proud if u can fit to the ms reads stuff... i cant make it or can i say not even dare to try... somehow.. its not about being nice but still there are beauty lies in you...
Do you think bird flu is going to be a problem ?
I heard it would hit USA & Canada this fall.
Is there anything to the bird flu panic ?
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