Tuesday, October 17, 2006


I was watching Beyond Borders a few nights ago. I was hit very hard with the images of suffering and those images are not even the raw footage of what is really going on as it has gone through the Hollywood process. But even then I got really sad thinking about the people that are suffering...Especially children. I get hungry and thirsty during Ramadhan but at the end of the day I get to pick and choose from the many delicacies available to break my fast. People at these places call hell on earth do not have that choice. And I think to myself, what have I contributed as a person part of a society that is stable. Yeah I give money to foundations that I believe in but what do I really do as in to physically help? I should be volunteering to go to these hot zones like when Indonesia was hit by the tsunami. What stopped me? I do not have the responsibility of a marriage...no husband...no children...I should go. What stopped me was work...I cannot just pick a bag and leave as there is no way my institution would just allow me to take a 3 week leave to do volunteer work. Sounds like an excuse but it happens to be a solid one. So I have made up my mind to find a way to not work for people but to be my own boss in a few years time. Do I have the guts?? I do not know for sure...there's a lot of planning involved and not to forget the financial part. But at least then I have the freedom to do some of the things I plan. Some might say it's naive for me to even consider but I guess this is one experience I have to learn on my own. So even if I fall, I can get up with pride because at least I tried.

1 comment:

Ah Liew said...

"People at these places call hell on earth do not have that choice."

I don't have to say why I've chosen this sentence do I?

I hope you will find the courage to be your own boss. Start taking steps today even! Motivational dudes always say failure is a prerequisite for success. Must be some truth in that, hopefully.