Monday, January 03, 2005

Gentle Giant

My first entry for the year 2005. Yesterday, Nor and I went to visit Dil and Eza to see his beautiful baby daughter, Soffyya. A gorgeous baby with thick hair and twinkling eyes. It was a really touching moment to see Dil gently picking up his daughter...thus the term gentle giant!!! But again I forgot my camera so I was unable to capture the sweet moment. I do pity the daughter though...she will have a hard time learning to spell her's not enough that her name has many letters but her papa's name is also complicated...atleast she doesn't have to spell her mama's name too often, to sweet Imanee Soffyya Ibdilillah, welcome to the circle of life in Taman Tun.


Dil said...

Hi Rambles!... thanks for this "gentle giant" credit... like it actually... never knew i am a gentle giant... selalunya gentleman.. but this... hmmm... ;)

btw thanks for coming to visit my daughter... soffyya said hi to aunt Nurleena :)

Michael White said...

Hi, you have a cool blog. I got to your blog by repeatedly clicking the "next blog" button on the blog navigation bar. It's interesting to me to see you write about such a universal thing of being touched by a baby even though you are in a part of the world that, I must admit, I would have to stop and think to locate it on a map. I hope you have a great 2005!

LeenaSan said...

it always amazes me that strangers will read your blog and post comments...coz when you ramble you just go on and on without actually stopping to think about who's going to read it...;-)