It has been a freakishly long time since I last logged in to my blog. A lot obviously has happened...thus having the inability to focus on a particular subject. So what shall I do...well why don't I talk about TV...since I love TV so much...I mean I really love TV. Illegally downloading stuff...I mean seriously against the law...which I understand and accept. But it really doesn't change the fact that it takes forever for TV shows to come in. Not only is time the issue but also the sensitive censorship board issues. Don't get me wrong...I do agree there is a need to censor certain stuff but at really kills the story...whoa...I'm way off track...I wanted to talk about let me get back to TV...TV series...police dramas...I love police dramas...I mean CSI...minus Miami...David Caruso spoils the joy...Criminal Minds...Without a Trace...NCIS...and NCIS:LA is coming...I watch those on ASTRO...what do I download...The Mentalist, Warehouse 13, Supernatural, Castle, Fringe and a few others...why do I like downloading these TV shows...I've got a good answer...first and cuts past the lousy advertisement that takes a llllooonnnggg most of these episodes last about 45 minutes...some even less than that. I also want to mention that I miss 'Friends'...I mean I really miss the quirky banter, the odd couple, the sarcasm and also the friendship. Nothing is as entertaining. So what sitcom am I watching: Cougar Town...funny enough...though not as funny as 'Friends'. I mean if I could make money writing about the joy of watching TV...I'd do it...and be a millionaire. And that's on TV alone...if I talk about movies...freaked out is what you'll be...coz I watch across continents, culture, language...yadda there you first blog of about my obsession with TV. obsession with yes people...the 2010 topics will be on obsessions. Ciao...^_^
The Gaza Mission Parrt Deux : Preamble
3 months ago